Project Name Tract P
Status Active
%Completed More than 60%
Crew Lead Carter Jones
This project is progressing well. We have now roughed in the entire road. Several changes were made to the plans during construction, resulting in an improved design and substantial cost savings. Cold Storage Way and Easy St. are now connected to one another via the new Tract P. Access Road. Currently, our crew is working to install culverts and storm drain. Once culverts have been installed and all catch basin risers have been placed, we will begin on curb and gutter. The final step will be to pave the road. The CTA Transportation Department is researching the feasibility of surfacing the Tract P access Road with concrete as opposed to asphalt in the hopes of keeping this portion of the project in-house.
Rules of the Ride
Department Projects
Good News! CTA's Child Passenger Safety Program through the BIA Child Passenger Safety Grant is now offering various sizes and brands of child passenger car seats, for eligible Tribal Members, at no cost to you!
Eligibility Requirements include:
- Expecting a child
- Have a child needing to upgrade to a different level of Passenger Seat Safety
- Provide daycare for a family member in which you transport children
- Be a current Tribal Member
All children under 13 should be properly secured in the back seat!
Infant Rear-Facing Car Seat
4-22 lbs
Harnessed Booster Seat
(Forward Facing)
22-110 lbs
Convertible Rear-Facing
5-40 lbs
CTA Public Transit
Please click the button above to access the Rules of the Ride
*Please Note: the list of bus etiquette for passengers that must be followed at all times.
How do I receive an updated car seat?
Backless Booster
40-100 lbs
Transportation Manager, Carter Jones Phone: (907) 826-3998 Fax: (907) 826-2427
Transportation Technician, Martha Wood
Take a look at our updates!
Is it time to upgrade your child's car seat?
State of Alaska Car Seat Laws
Convertible Forward-Facing
Please remember to bring EXACT change, Cash Only
If you meet the eligibility requirements, please call our Child Passenger Safety Technician, Martha Wood, at the Craig Tribal Association at (907) 826-3996 to schedule your appointment!
If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to call our Transportation Office at (907) 826-7433.
Please note that your child must be present in order to receive a car seat.